Pomegranate Sour
Pomegranate Sour
Brand:Geyikli Organik Gıda
Product Code:NE360
- In Stock
- Ex Tax: ₺175.00
It strengthens the immune system with its vitamin C, iron, potassium and polyphone content. Pomegranate, which has the feature of balancing cholesterol and sugar, is the core fruit used in the production of pomegranate syrup. Pomegranate syrup, which has a sour taste, is likened to balsamic vinegar.
Benefits of pomegranate syrup
- It has the effect of lowering hypertension.
- Balances cholesterol and blood sugar. It prevents them from rising.
- It is good for diabetes.
- It is beneficial for teeth and gums.
- It has the effect of cutting the bleeding in the mouth.
- Protects the heart vessels. It is heart friendly.
- It reduces the risk of heart diseases.
- It is among the resources referenced in the treatment of baldness.
- Heals infections and increases body resistance.
- Removes toxins from the body.
- It has diuretic properties.
- Remedy for chronic fatigue.
- Strengthens the immune system.
- Offers natural treatment for intestinal parasites.
- It removes blemishes on the skin and is good for acne problem.
- It cuts diarrhoea.
- Provides effective treatment against hoarseness and pneumonia.
- It has a healing effect on kidney wounds.
- It is an effective solution for fainting problems.